Water Retention Technology

Rockbuild Tiling Solution

Water Retention Technology

Traditionally tiles have been installed by using cement and sand slurry. However, this method has its inherent problems. first Cement curing is an exothermic reaction so it needs water to keep it cool which is practically not possible under the laid tiles. second point cement shrinks after drying it leave hollow spaces below the tile surface. These are weak spots in a floor and any impact will result in tile chipping or cracking or on wall application this shrinkage may result in to fall of tiles. For a durable and trouble-free installation of tiles, adhesives are the right solution

ROCKBUILD tile Adhesives are a factory-made specially formulated dry powder, fortified with water retention polymer that when mixed with water or latex additive it absorbs water and becomes gelatinous to form a consistent paste for problem- free tile installation. This gelatinous form of water keeps the cement cool until it gets cure.

ROCKBUILD tile Adhesives also contain polymers which when mixed with water form a glue-like substance that forms a film over the spread mortar and help the tile and substrate to have an excellent boding whereas The mixture of cement dries and shrinks. This creates a void underneath the tiles after tile installation is done. This results in poor bonding between the tile and cement and also generates an aesthetic problem by allowing fragile areas to develop cracks with time.

In the market, there are innumerable types of Tile-Adhesives that vary in composition & quality due to their ingredients and process of manufacture. ROCKBUILD tile adhesives have different Tile-Adhesives after extensive R&D, the reason why we are superior in quality and performance.

ROCKBUILD tile adhesives have a large range to offer because one type of adhesive is not suitable for every type of tile and stone. Choose a specific variant of ROCKBUILD tile adhesive for various types of tile or stone

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